Saturday, August 14, 2010

I Will Never Be Her

Today I went to a baby shower for a friend, and although I'm just a few months behind her in my pregnancy I will never be her. I'm glad that Vayden's baby brother is 100% healthy and I do have high hopes for this pregnancy, it's delivery and him...but worry does present itself every now and then. I will never be that new mother so excited and worry free.

I met another mother who told me that 4 weeks before her only daughter was to be born after having two boys her husband got the old snip snip. 4 weeks BEFORE the baby was here, all I could think is how brave they were to take such a permanent step before the baby was born. With all that I know now I'm pretty much against surgical birth control and I'll never be her either.

I always love the woman that buys the bedding and all the clothes, removes the tags and tosses the receipts before the baby is born.........Sure I have clothes and I know what bed set I want, but because I will never be her, I've been procrastinating buying it.

I Will Never Be Her


  1. I don't think I will ever be her either. At one time before I lost but now I'm so very different. Life is so very precious.


  2. It's disheartening that that kind of joy is stolen from certain mothers. Oh what it must be like to have a "care-free" pregnancy. And I feel the same way about surgical birth control!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You can never be her because you are a special and beautiful type of mother. A mother who truly understands the term, "I just want a healthy baby". You don't take anything in your pregnancy for granted. And she can never be you. Because she doesn't know what it's like to be the mother of an angel. =)

  5. I will never be her either. I totally get it. xx

  6. Right there with you. I'm not her either. I can't bring myself to buy anything as well. Until I know everything is OK I think she will only have the diaper on her bottom that the hospital puts on her!

  7. I will never be her, either...Being her was taken from me long ago. But, as you know, God will enable us to be us...with all of the grace we need to do it. And, being you, is really a beautiful gift...

  8. It's never the same that's for sure.

  9. I am so with you Steph I have 8 weeks to go and I have only just now bought the crib and about had a panic attack setting it up.

    It will never be the same sadly they are so brave getting fixed for good. I would have been so sad had we done that with Ethan and then losing him never have been able to have another
